Tate & Lyle's Black Treacle

Elizabeth's Photo Competition IV

(Previous competitions: I, II, III.)

The Rules - Paint A Rainbow

Take seven or (if you insist on science instead of poetic whimsy) six photos, one for each of the colours of the rainbow. It's up to you whether the photos are themed to create a coherent rainbow, or are just seven nice pictures.

Arrange the seven photos however you want onto a web page, send it to me, and I'll collect entries here. (If anyone has problems with hosting space, I can probably put a few up.) Anyone can submit as many rainbows as they want.


Photos should be "natural"-looking. This:

is not what we're after. Nor is a series of black-and-white photos each with a single object artistically rendered in colour. Other than that, do what you want. If you're taking a photo of someone on a stage and they happen to be lit by blue spotlights, that's probably fair game.

Pictures should be taken for this specifically, rather than just old .jpgs you had lying around. Since I have no way of policing this, however, you're trusted.

This is intended as a bit of fun, but there will be prizes of a small and token nature. Winners will be decided by popular vote, via my livejournal. The closing date for entries is June 1st August 31st, 2007.

The Entries


After a round of voting, two entries had more or less tied for first place. Since these two were both taken by the same entrant, the composite entity Andie-and-Roo was declared the winner.

Last modified: Tue Mar 27 00:15:33 GMT Daylight Time 2007